O'TEA創立於2014年,主營批發,零售健康茶類食品,秉持純天然,無添加的宗旨, 為顧客提供優質產品, 推廣健康生活文化。蕎麥茶系列產品已在各千色分店(CITISTORE)、SOGO (祟光百貨)、AEON 、裕華國貨等上架,亦批發給中高檔酒樓及食肆。蕎麥茶出產於香格里拉2000米海拔以上地區,花茶乃收集世界各地優質原材料製成,,非再加工成形,不添加任何香料,防腐劑。
Our company was founded in 2014.Mainly wholesales and retails healthy tea products. Adhering to the purpose of (pure natural, no additives), it provides customers with high-quality products and promotes a healthy life culture. Our product has been sold in Citistores,Sogo department stores, Aeon, Yue hwa.and also wholesaled to mid-to-high-end restaurants.
Buckwheat tea is produced in Shangri-La at an altitude of 2,000 meters above sea level. Scented tea is made from high-quality raw materials from all over the world. Reprocessed and shaped. No fragrances, preservatives added
Buckwheat Tea
What is Buckwheat Tea?
O’TEA is made of the buckwheat specially selected from the uncontaminated high mountain areas at over 2,000 meters above sea level in Yunnan. Apart from its rick nutrition, the buckwheat is as well said to be the cream of the whole grains for its smoothest texture and the aromatic scent of toasted grain, giving a fresh start and a long-lasting finished.
香格里拉2000米海拔以上天然有機蕎麥茶,非再加工成形、不添 加任何香料,防腐劑。最大化保留各種有益物質,為您帶來高品質 天然、健康的蕎麥茶。蕎麥,顧名思義,它是由穀類作物苦蕎麥 炒製而成的,苦蕎麥是一種健康的食品,被稱為“五穀之王”。
Target Group適用人群
The bioflavonoids in buckwheat not only improves blood circulation in wounds and prevent embolism, but also lowers blood fat, blood pressure, blood sugar as well as cholesterol. It is well-known as the “blood purifier”.
苦蕎黃酮不但可以有效的活血化瘀、 抗栓塞、降血脂、降血壓、降低膽固醇 降低血糖,淨化血液,苦蕎被現代人稱 為“三降丹”
The tea helps get rid of congested body wastes, protect the liver, and strengthen the immune system.
The 4 elements of anti-oxidation, including, the rich bioflavonoids, selenium, vitamins C and E, can effectively remove free radicals in the body and thus staving off deterioration. The amino acids in Buckwheat tea can also remove and prevent toxins and foreigners from being absorbed by fat, working well in control weight.
苦蕎富含生物類黃酮、硒、維生素C、維生 素E四類抗氧化元素,能有效的清除體 內自由基,延緩衰老。苦蕎茶中的氨基 酸能清理體內毒素和異物,阻止脂肪吸 收,起到排毒養顏,減肥的功效。
Supplement of trace elements, especially 2,4-Dihydroxy-cinnamic acid work in removing body wastes, brightening skin tone, and preventing freckles and age spots.
補充微量元素,特別是2,4-二羥基順 式肉桂酸,排毒美白、預防雀斑以及 老年斑。
The tea improves the microcirculation in the heart and the brain of those who are often stressed out from excessive use of the mind. It enhances the blood circulation in the eyes, removes body wastes, soothe fatigue, and restores energy.
改善心腦微循環、促進眼部血液循環、 清除體內垃圾、緩解身體疲勞、恢復能量。
Rich dietary fibre can adjust the cooperation of the digestion organs, and so help with excretion. Buckwheat is as known as a “purifying plant”.
補含有大量膳食纖維,調節腸胃功效。 清火、潤腸通便。民間又稱苦蕎為 “淨腸草”。
Buckwheat tea contains rich proteins, chlorophyll, fat, carbohydrates, crude fibre, minerals, trace elements, 18 types of natural amino acids and 9 types of fatty acid. All these are beneficial to growth of children.
改善在苦蕎茶中不僅含有豐富的蛋白質、 葉綠素、脂肪、碳水化合物、粗纖維、 礦物質及微量元素,還含有18種天然氨 基酸,和9種脂肪酸,對幼兒有促進生 長發育的作用。
Bioflavonoids protect blood vessels, improve microcirculation, and prevent thrombosis and cardiovascular diseases. Buckwheat contains selenium – the anti-aging element that also works well against cancers.
改善生物類黃酮能保護血管,促進微循環, 抗血栓,預防心腦血管疾病;苦蕎中 含有硒-抗癌之王,硒是抗衰老的元素。
To improve microcirculation, calm the nerves, and help with sleep.
Bioflavonoids are not only useful in processing alcohol and detoxifying the blood so to protect the liver, but also beneficial to the stomach.Anti-oxidation also strengthens the immune system.
改善飲酒過量人士 生物類黃酮解除醇中毒、保肝護肝, 養胃,抗氧化增強人體免疫機能。
Key Nutrients and Effects
1. Rich Vitamins
The rich vitamins C and E, trace elements, and amino acids in the tea are effective in producing anti-oxidation, which works well to remove redundant free radicals and revitalise white blood cells. This helps prevent pigmentation, restore elasticity and stave off deterioration of skin. The tea also removes body wastes, strengthens the immune system, and reduces side effects of medicines for cancers.
1. 富含維生素
富含維生素C、維生素E 、各種微量元素 和氨基酸,它具有較強的抗氧化作用,可抑 制和消除人體內過剩的自由基,活化巨噬 細胞,消除皮膚的色素沉積,排出體內各種 毒素,使肌膚光澤有彈性,延緩皮膚細胞衰 老。增強人體免疫機能,減輕抗癌藥物的負作用。
2. Rich Proteins
The tea contains rich protein, minerals as well as 9 types of vital elements to human body, such as fatty acids and linoleic acid. These can rejuvenate the spleen and digestion organs, serving to increase appetite, revitalise skin, refresh the mind, and enhance the coordination of organ functions. The tea is effective in preventing.
2. 富含蛋白質
富含蛋白質礦物元素和人體必須的9種 脂肪酸、亞油酸等生物活性物質,可健 脾開胃、通便潤腸、美容養顏、醒腦 提神、防失眠、抗衰老、抗氧化、平 衡人體機能。
3. Plentiful Dietary Fibre
The dietary fibre in Buckwheat Tea helps with the nutrition distribution in the digestion organs and improve gastrointestinal motility, enhancing excretion and clearing congested wastes. This is particularly effective in treating constipation. Besides, the tea can reduce the low-density lipoprotein and the total cholesterol in the serum and produce anti-oxidation, adding life to the skin.
3. 粗糧膳食纖維
苦蕎中的不可多得的粗糧膳食纖維可以 平衡腸胃營養分佈,能夠有效的促進腸胃 蠕動,幫助排泄,達到清腸潤腸的目的。 有效治療便秘。降低血清的總膽固醇 及LDL膽固醇的含量。粗糧膳食纖維增 加皮膚抗氧化功能,讓皮膚健康光澤,美 容養顏。
4. Bioflavonoid
TheBioflavonoid is exceptionally beneficial to the liver and help handling alcohol. It is the key to treating constipation and against unbalanced eating habits and lifestyles.
5. Active element – Selenium
The selenium in Buckwheat Tea can form with metals and proteins as a complex element, which takes away toxic substances and wastes from the body so as to improve blood circulation in the heart and the brain, soothe fatigue, and restore energy.
6. Rutin
The rutin in Buckwheat Tea helps soften blood vessels and lower blood fat, blood sugar, and blood pressure. In particular, rutin is especially suitable for the overweight as it works to absorb and speed up the burning of excess fat in the body.
4. 生物類黃酮
生物類黃酮具有神奇的養肝、護肝和解 酒功能,是便秘患者和現代“富貴病”的剋星。
5. 活性元素-硒
苦蕎麥中的活性元素-硒在人體內可與 金屬結合形成一種不穩定的”金屬—硒 —蛋白”複合物,有助於體內有毒物質的 排除,改善心腦循環,清除體內垃圾,消除 疲勞,恢復能量。
6. 蘆丁
蕎麥茶其所含蘆丁可軟化血管,具有降 血脂、降血糖、降血壓,減肥排毒、清理人體垃圾、激活胰島素分泌等功效。 蘆丁可以吸附人體內的多餘油脂,加速 消耗多餘的脂肪,特別適合肥胖人士飲 用。
Edible Method 食用方法
1. Served as Hot or Cold Tea 熱飲或冷飲
Add boiling water and wait 3 minutes for instant use; or, after cooling, put the tea in the fridge for a cold taste, optionally with lemon or honey according to personal preferences.
以熱水泡3分鐘直接飲用;或待放涼後放進冰箱冷凍後飲用, 可按自己口味加入檸檬或蜂蜜。
2. Used with Soy Milk 混合豆漿
Add buckwheat tea while making soy milk for a purified and enhanced taste.
製作豆漿過程中加入本品可 祛除豆漿腥味使豆漿更香濃。
3. Used with Blooming Tea 搭配花茶
Add boiling water and wait 3 minutes for instant use; or, after cooling, put the tea in the fridge for a cold taste, optionally with lemon or honey according to personal preferences.
以熱水泡3分鐘直接飲用;或待放涼後放進冰箱冷凍後飲用, 可按自己口味加入檸檬或蜂蜜。
4. Cooked with Rice 米飯飄香
Add a small amount of Buckwheat Tea when cooking rice for an enhanced flavour of the grain.
5. Direct Consumption 咀嚼品嚐
The crispy and delicious Buckwheat Tea is immediately edible.